21. Looking Back and Forward

Jason and Jess talk about the things they learned this year, especially about working remotely, as well as personally. Maybe more important, they talk about what they look forward to in the coming year. There's also plenty of conversation about Christmas cookies, because, well, decorating Christmas cookies on Zoom is the most 2020 thing we can think of. Also, Jason talks a bit about his experience using the AirPods Max. 


20. Best Tips for Working From Home

Yeah, it's episode 20 of 2020!

Jason and Jess talk about tips for being productive and avoiding burnout while working from home, especially considering a lot of people are going to be doing just that for a while. Of course, they also had to talk about how much Jess likes her new MacBook Air, and the recent announcement of Apple’s AirPods Max, which are $550 headphones. Does anyone need $550 headphones?

19. You're Doing It Wrong

Mostly, Jason and Jess talk about how we're all doing pretty much everything wrong. Sure, we made it through Thanksgiving, but it was a lot different than in the past. That includes shopping for gifts on Black Friday/Cyber Monday, but doesn't stop there. 

We also talked about Salesforce buying Slack and what that means for people working remotely. Oh, and Microsoft introduced a "tool" that was really a way to monitor what their teams are doing. It's creepy and we talked about what it means, as well as Microsoft's updated response to the pushback. 

Finally, we talked about how most people aren't willing to put in the extra effort when it comes to sending messages on LinkedIn. I think we agree it's a useful tool, especially for freelancers or people looking for work, but only if you do it right--which most people aren't.

18. A New Holiday Tradition

Happy Thanksgiving. Jason and Jess talk a little about her new M1 MacBook Air, but mostly about the things we're looking forward to about the holidays. Of course, that includes our favorite traditions and Christmas movies. No, it's not too early for Christmas movies. For that matter, Jason already has two Christmas trees up already.

Jason's M1 MacBook Air Review

iOS apps on the Mac are, well, bad.

Thoughts about the HomePod mini

Comcast is about to make it more expensive to work from home.

Salesforce is buying Slack, maybe.